Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Welcome to Pinecones and Peanut Butter...

My Besties and I have been trying to come up with a name for my new blog for about a week now, ever since I decided to bite down, rip off the bandaid and start a new blog.  Fresh. Clean.  No dead Grama stories.  No messing with "Sorry I haven't written in a year." Tabulas Novas.

Last night Thing 1 was sleeping with us due to a belly ache and at about 3:00am he woke moaning and groaning and carrying on.  I covered him back up, soothed him with a tender whisper and tried to go back to sleep.  Sleep didn't come and BAM, out of the blue, clear sky 4 words came into my head: "Pinecones and Peanut Butter."

When my journey into motherhood began I truly believed I would be this organized, crafty, long-suffering type of Mommy.  I would be patient, never say "dammit", follow routines and always serve vegetables.  It was like I believed pushing a human out of my vagina would completely alter my personality.  So one day when Thing 1 and Thing 2 were about 2 and 4 I decided we would have a craft time of making bird feeders (WTH, right?).  I had saved some pinecones from Christmas and we would swather them in peanut butter and sprinkle seeds on them and it would be fun and educational and they would remember this day fondly for years to come with music playing in their head when they did. That's not what happened.  What I had planned to be a totally fun craft turned into 15 minutes that nearly pushed me over the edge in to full blown alcoholism.  Peanut butter was everywhere but the pinecones, bird seed was being eaten by the Things and I wasn't having any fun.  Pushing the Things out of my vagina had not changed my personality and I still didn't enjoy crafts.  I certainly didn't enjoy them with kids.

Fast forward to a few years later.  Thing 1 is 7 and Thing 2 will be 6 in February and we haven't tried a craft since that day without me having a shot of tequila first.  Crafts aren't me.  I'm creative but not when it comes to felt and popsicle sticks.  Most of all, I've accepted this (so have the Things) and we're happy.  I'm sarcastic and crass and they are turning into little Mini-Me's who make me laugh all the time.

Pinecones and Peanut Butter is my fresh start.  My reminder that motherhood to me doesn't have to look (or sound) like motherhood to others.  Writing this blog, loving Hot Jeff, (husband and co-creator of the Things), parenting, living life, loving Jesus is MY journey.  If you don't like messy me, that's ok, you can stop reading right now.  I won't take it personal and we can still be friends.  However, if you want to read my musings of real life, messy faith, debilitating depression and screwing up my kids on a daily basis then welcome to the ride.  Keep coming back.  I'll read your comments, I'll keep writing and we'll figure it out as we go.  We'll be real, we'll be kind and we'll try to honor Jesus even if we say "shit" now and then.

That's how we roll.


  1. Your gift for writing is amazing to me and I love how honest you are. It makes me feel better about not being perfect either! love you!
